Friday 13 January 2012

Millie and Chloe Home Learning

The first Olympic Games!!!!

For my home learning, I did about the first Olympic Games and it was interesting because when you are looking for the information to put into your own words, you find things that you have never heard of. One of the facts we found out is that the male winners got to go off with a rich woman and have a happy life together, and we also found out that 50,000 people could be seated in the stadium.
The games they played were:

  • Wrestling

  • Short sprint

  • Boxing

  • Javelin

  • Discuss

  • Long jump

  • Chariot racing
Did you know that Wrestling was the nastiest event?

By Millie and Chloe

Alana's home learning

I have done my home learning
about Ancient Greek Gods.
I have done about Zeus's family,
Hercules & Apollo.

Zeus is the king of all of the gods!!!
Apollo is the god of sun!!!
Hercules is half god half human!!!
Hercules's mother hated him as a
baby.Therefore she put a couple of
snakes in to his crib whilst he was

By Alana
I can name the 12 main gods!!! Zeus Hera Hestia Poseidon Apollo Dionysus Athena Aphrodite Hephaestus Gaea Demeter Oranos there we go!!! Can you? By Jennifer X X

BY Somtochi

I did about the first Olympics games,which was in 706BC. I told them about the start of it,what kind of races they did(chariot racing,horse riding foot races ETC) and the end of the beginning. I did a lot of writing and it turned out well.

my home work by Elliot Madeley

In my home work I learned about the battle of troy i found out there was a big horse called the Trojan horse and in the day they climbed in the horse then on a night they put it near the enemies gate so the enemies nicked the horse then when they went to sleep the Greeks climbed out of the horse and tuck over the enemies land.
This page is really good because all of the homework is on it.
by joe